February 16, 2025

day and night yin yang

You are stuck in a metaphor. You have an idea in your head about what the world is. As the unfortunate bearer of bad news, I have come to inform you, you are wrong!


Whatever you think the world is, it is not. Whatever you think your life is, it is not. Whatever you think of the people around you and your interactions with them, they are false. They are a false perception generated by a mind that believes it understands, it does not. You are laboring under a false paradigm. The sooner you accept this, the easier this will be.


You came to this world with the best intentions, seeking experience and wisdom. You came seeking to understand and develop emotionally. But what you have gained, instead of wisdom is baggage. Instead of emotional growth you have bias. Instead of perspective you have become myopic. Your world view taints everything around you and disconnects you from the truth.


You are empowered by a metaphor. You have a model in your head of what the world is. As the fortunate bearer of good news, I have come to inform you, you are right!


Whatever you think the world is, you are right. Whatever you think your life is, it is. Whatever you think of the people around you and of your interactions with them, they are true. They are a true perception generated by a mind that understands with crystal clarity. You are laboring under a true paradigm. The sooner you accept this, the easier it will be.


You came into this world with the best intentions, seeking experience and wisdom. You came seeking to understand and develop emotionally. What you have gained is wisdom. You have attained emotional growth beyond your wildest imaginings. You have attained perspective and clarity of vision. Your world view paints everything around you, connecting you with the truth.





day and night yin yang

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